Torque2dMitToPhaserConverter Forums
Bug - TextSprite/BitmapText objects do not work - UPDATE Alpha fix now available - Printable Version

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Bug - TextSprite/BitmapText objects do not work - UPDATE Alpha fix now available - jeffmoretti - 06-04-2021

When you covert your T2D project to a Phaser project, it is known that any 'text' objects (ie TextSprites, in T2D, or BitmapText, in Phaser) will not work properly.  At the time of writing, any text objects that you have in T2D that you want to convert you will have to fix manually (by ether directly modifying the output Phaser code, or by changing the Torque2dMitToPhaserConverter source code to handle these).

Also note that you can expect a fix for this feature in the near future (ETA at time of writing - July 2021)

UPDATE - June 14th, 2021
- there is now 'alpha' support for TextSprite/BitmapText objects (as of v0.0.4)

UPDATE - July 7th, 2021
- text objects now work at 75% 'working' (but better support than before). This is as of v0.1.0. NOTE - However, please note that BitmapText objects are no longer being used, instead text objects are handled as Phaser.GameObjects.Text (at least under the hood) and fonts are handled using Google WebFont Loader (ie webfont.js)